Welcome! AMUN 2024 will take place from October 9th to October 11th


All about the Conference
Sharing our love for debate

AMUN – Alster Model United Nations is an international MUN conference hosted by the Gymnasium Klosterschule. AMUN 2024 is going to take place in Hamburg, Germany, from 9th to 11th October 2024! We’re looking forward to welcome you in the beautiful city of Hamburg!

  • Executive Team 2023

    Size of our Executive Team

  • Committees

    Size of our Committees (each)

  • Schools

    Number of Schools

  • Commitment?

    Our excitement for AMUN 2024!

The Executive Team 2024

Neziha Alici

Secretary General

Neziha on Instagram

Ede Schmietendorf

Secretary General

Ede on Instagram

Martha Schillings

Conference Manager

Martha on Instagram

Lili Koerber

Conference Manager

Lili on Instagram

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