The 6th Committee

It’s Wednesday, 2:15 pm and while this school day is over for most students, the lobbying in our committees is really starting to take off now. The sixth committee is discussing illegal trading of commodities with terrorists as well as working conditions in mines and quarries. From the beginning on everybody seems confident that global[…]

AMUN 2019 Opening Ceremony

Wednesday, 18thSeptember 9:50 am in the hallways of the Klosterschule– When looking around you see chatting delegates with excited faces, some are classmates and some are new faces that might become your closest allies or fiercest opponents during the upcoming debates. There is one noticeable feature, which is characteristic for high level conferences: The colors[…]

Chair- get involved!

How do I get involved as a chair at AMUN?   Are you interested in participating in AMUN as a Chair? Every debate at an MUN relies on the leadership and experience of a chair. Making sure that every delegate follows the Rules of Procedure and helping inexperienced delegates to write their resolutions and to[…]


How do I get involved as a delegate? What does a delegate do? As a delegate you play a vital role in every Model United Nations (MUN): You represent your assigned country as well as its values and positions in one of the committees, where you debate political issues of fundamental importance. Before the conference[…]

The third committee

”One must keep fighting for peace“ (Gandhi), the Delegate of the Netherlands demands and argues ”violence is not the solution“ to the controversial topic of taking measures to establish lasting peace in Yemen. Everyone desires peace but in the third committee the delegates seem to have quite different opinions on how to solve this war.[…]

Add Staff

Do you want to be part of the Add Staff at AMUN? Add Staff is short for additional staff, which means you don’t organize the conference, but you help out while it’s taking place 1.What does the Add Staff  do? As Add Staff it is your job to make the conference and the debates in[…]

Host Families

How can I host an AMUN participant? (Scroll down for a German translation) Are you interested in hosting an AMUN participant? Each conference is based on international relations and hospitality. With about 40% of our guests coming from other schools in Germany and from abroad (e.g. Denmark, Estonia at AMUN 2019), host families are essential[…]