Israel attacks Add Staff

„Hard working Add Staff! “, it says at the beginning of nearly every speech we heard in these three days. And for all the coffee, tea, cookies, notepapers and amendments they bring us, it is only appropriate to thank them.

But it seems as if the delegate of Israel isn’t as thankful as we are. In the first committee, the delegate of Israel threw a pen after a member of the Add Staff, when he took a little too long for his taste to send his notepaper. Since no punishment happened we decided it’s our duty to remind you that this isn’t the way we can avoid a rebellion by the add-staff.

And especially Israel should try to listen to their own praises of peace

The delegate himself says the Add Staff didn’t notice him for quite a long time and even after he called them they would not turn around but play with their cellphones.

So maybe this time the Staff wasn’t working as hard as usual…

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